4قَد عَلِمنا ما تَنقُصُ الأَرضُ مِنهُم ۖ وَعِندَنا كِتابٌ حَفيظٌAli UnalWe know for certain whatever the earth corrodes of them (to the most minute particle); with Us there is a book recording and preserving (incorruptibly).1The unbelievers claim that the dead bodies are mixed into the dust, and become dust, and that it is, therefore, inconceivable that it can be known and distinguished to whom which particles (of dust) belong, and so it is impossible to reconstruct individual bodies. But the Qur’ān answers that God knows everything down to the particles, and every event in the universe down to the motion of the particles. All is recorded in a book that is recording and preserving, and is protected from any interference.