94 Preface يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنوا لَيَبلُوَنَّكُمُ اللَّهُ بِشَيءٍ مِنَ الصَّيدِ تَنالُهُ أَيديكُم وَرِماحُكُم لِيَعلَمَ اللَّهُ مَن يَخافُهُ بِالغَيبِ ۚ فَمَنِ اعتَدىٰ بَعدَ ذٰلِكَ فَلَهُ عَذابٌ أَليمٌYusuf AliO ye who believe! God doth but make a trial of you in a little matter of game well within reach of your hands and your lances, that He may test1 who feareth him unseen: any who transgress thereafter, will have a grievous penalty.Literally, “know”, Cf. 3:166 and 3:154, n. 467. Game is forbidden in the Sacred Precincts. If we deliberately break that injunction, we have no faith and reverence.