91إِنَّما يُريدُ الشَّيطانُ أَن يوقِعَ بَينَكُمُ العَداوَةَ وَالبَغضاءَ فِي الخَمرِ وَالمَيسِرِ وَيَصُدَّكُم عَن ذِكرِ اللَّهِ وَعَنِ الصَّلاةِ ۖ فَهَل أَنتُم مُنتَهونَShabbir AhmedBy means of intoxicants and games of chance Satan, your rebellious and selfish desire, excites you to enmity and hatred among you and hinders you from being conscious of Allah and following the Divine System. Will you not then abstain?