The Jews insolently say: "Allah keeps His hands tightly shut; He is close - fisted". Close-fisted be their hands and cursed they are for their evil thoughts expressed in words, but He is open-handed; He yields abundantly as He will and how He will. And the more Allah bestows on you O Muhammad of His bounty, the more do many of them err for infirmity of purpose, and display their transgressive infirmities of themselves and sink deeper in infidelity under the vexations of their minds. And We stirred up enmity and hatred among them -the Christians among themselves and between the Christians and the Jews till the Day of Resurrection. As often as they inflame passion for kindling a war against you Muhammad, Allah extinguishes their reason and their alacrity. They strive to spread mischief and create discord on earth, and Allah detests those characterized with prepensed malice.