O Messenger! Those, who (advance) fast into disbelief, should not grieve you. (Firstly) they include those (hypocrites) who utter from their mouth: ‘We believe,’ while their hearts have not accepted faith. (Secondly) among them are the Jews. They listen to (you) eagerly to fabricate lies. They (in fact) hear (to spy) for others who have not (yet) come to you. (They are the people) who change the Words (of Allah even) after their contexts (are fixed and) say: ‘If you are given this (command which they like), take it, and if you are not given this (command), then keep off (it).’ And if Allah adjudges someone to go astray then you do not have any power for him (to hold up the Command of) Allah. They are the ones whose hearts Allah has no intention whatsoever to purify. For them there is ignominy (of disbelief) in this world and mighty punishment in the Hereafter.