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Sura 5
Aya 31
فَبَعَثَ اللَّهُ غُرابًا يَبحَثُ فِي الأَرضِ لِيُرِيَهُ كَيفَ يُواري سَوءَةَ أَخيهِ ۚ قالَ يا وَيلَتا أَعَجَزتُ أَن أَكونَ مِثلَ هٰذَا الغُرابِ فَأُوارِيَ سَوءَةَ أَخي ۖ فَأَصبَحَ مِنَ النّادِمينَ

Omar & Omar

Then Allâh sent a raven which scratched into the earth so as to show him how he might cover his brother's dead body. He said, `Woe is me! Am I unable to be even like this raven so that I may cover the dead body of my brother?' And he became one of the remorseful.