118 Preface إِن تُعَذِّبهُم فَإِنَّهُم عِبادُكَ ۖ وَإِن تَغفِر لَهُم فَإِنَّكَ أَنتَ العَزيزُ الحَكيمُYusuf Ali“If Thou dost punish them, they are Thy servant: If Thou dost forgive them, Thou art the Exalted in power, the Wise.”1The Master can justly punish His servants for disobedience: no one can say to Him nay, for He is high above all. But if He chooses to forgive. He in His wisdom sees things that we mortals cannot see. This is the limit of intercession that men of God can make on behalf of sinners.