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Sura 5
Aya 114
قالَ عيسَى ابنُ مَريَمَ اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّنا أَنزِل عَلَينا مائِدَةً مِنَ السَّماءِ تَكونُ لَنا عيدًا لِأَوَّلِنا وَآخِرِنا وَآيَةً مِنكَ ۖ وَارزُقنا وَأَنتَ خَيرُ الرّازِقينَ

Ali Unal

Jesus, son of Mary, said (in entreaty to his Lord): "O God, our Lord! Send down on us a table (of food) from heaven, that shall be an ever-recurring (religious) festival for us – for the first and the last of us – and a sign from You; and provide us sustenance, for You are the Best to be sought as provider with the ultimate rank of providing."