111 Preface وَإِذ أَوحَيتُ إِلَى الحَوارِيّينَ أَن آمِنوا بي وَبِرَسولي قالوا آمَنّا وَاشهَد بِأَنَّنا مُسلِمونَYusuf Ali“And behold! I inspired the disciples to have faith in Me and Mine Messenger. they said, ?We have faith, and do thou1 bear witness that we bow to God as Muslims?”.2“Thou” refers to Jesus, who is being addressed by his Disciples. Cf. 3:52.Before or after Muḥammad’s life on this earth, all who bowed to God’s Will were Muslims, and their religion is Islam, Cf. 3:52 and n. 392.