When Allah will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary! Recall My blessings upon you and your mother. I strengthened you with Sacred Revelation, enabled you to speak eloquently to the people while still in childhood, and also at a later age (3:45). I gave you revelation and wisdom including the Torah and the Gospel. Recall that you told them that you would raise them from dust up into the heights of glory by My leave (7:176). You made people see the Truth otherwise given to blind following by My leave. You healed the wounds of inequity on people by My leave, and you gave a new meaning to life to those who were otherwise no better than dead by My leave (3:48), (3:111), (6:123). Recall, how I prevented the Children of Israel from harming you when you came to them with all evidence of the truth (4:157). And those who were bent upon denying the truth said, "This is nothing but clear deception."