109 Preface ۞ يَومَ يَجمَعُ اللَّهُ الرُّسُلَ فَيَقولُ ماذا أُجِبتُم ۖ قالوا لا عِلمَ لَنا ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ عَلّامُ الغُيوبِYusuf AliOne day will God gather the messengers together, and ask: “What was the response ye received (from men to your teaching)?” They will say: “We have no knowledge: it is Thou Who knowest in full all that is hidden.1"A scene of the Day of Reckoning is put before us in graphic words, showing the responsibility and the limitations of the Prophets of God, sent to preach His Message to men, with special reference to the Message of Jesus. The Messengers are sent to preach the Truth. What fantastic forms the Message takes in men’s reactions to it was beyond their knowledge at the time, and beyond their responsibility. (R).