So conditioned, when you people encounter those deniers of Allah, in combat, strike their necks to inflict death, and subdue the living at their peril, keep them in confinement and restrict their movements until hostilities have ceased and your enemies have laid down their arms. There and then you either set the captives free for nothing at all in return or for a ransom or for the freedom of Muslim captives. Had Allah willed, He would have punished them in His own manner. But He means to rear you and educate you so that your actions evince both wisdom and integrity, Allah then will establish your genuineness and quality as is asserted or claimed when reason has to deal with force and when you deal with each other in peace and in wars and to prove that the purpose of Allah is objectively the heart of your purpose. And remember that those of you who resisted blood, to acquire the glorious privilege of a martyr never will Allah imprint their works with irreverence profanity or damnation.