THIS IS undoubtedly one of the earliest revelations.- perhaps the earliest - of the Medina period; as pointed out in note 11 below, verse 13 may have been revealed during the Prophet's hijrah. The view of Ad-Dahhak and Sa'id ibn Jubayr (cited by Zamakhshari) that it is a Meccan surah lacks both internal and external evidence, and cannot be accepted. The title is based on the mention of the name of the Prophet Muhammad in verse 2; but since the surah deals prominently with various aspects of fighting (qital) in God's cause, it was often designated by the Prophet's Companions and their immediate successors as Surat al-Qital.
AS FOR THOSE who are bent on denying the truth and on barring [others] from the path of God - all their [good] deeds will He let go to waste;1