29وَإِذ صَرَفنا إِلَيكَ نَفَرًا مِنَ الجِنِّ يَستَمِعونَ القُرآنَ فَلَمّا حَضَروهُ قالوا أَنصِتوا ۖ فَلَمّا قُضِيَ وَلَّوا إِلىٰ قَومِهِم مُنذِرينَ(Saheeh International)And [mention, O Muḥammad], when We directed to you a few of the jinn, listening to the Qur’ān. And when they attended it, they said, "Listen quietly." And when it was concluded, they went back to their people as warners.