26وَلَقَد مَكَّنّاهُم فيما إِن مَكَّنّاكُم فيهِ وَجَعَلنا لَهُم سَمعًا وَأَبصارًا وَأَفئِدَةً فَما أَغنىٰ عَنهُم سَمعُهُم وَلا أَبصارُهُم وَلا أَفئِدَتُهُم مِن شَيءٍ إِذ كانوا يَجحَدونَ بِآياتِ اللَّهِ وَحاقَ بِهِم ما كانوا بِهِ يَستَهزِئونَAisha BewleyWe established them far more firmly than We have established you and gave them hearing, sight and hearts. But their hearing, sight and hearts were of no use to them at all when they renounced Allah’s Signs and what they mocked at engulfed them.