20وَقالوا لَو شاءَ الرَّحمٰنُ ما عَبَدناهُم ۗ ما لَهُم بِذٰلِكَ مِن عِلمٍ ۖ إِن هُم إِلّا يَخرُصونَMuhammad AsadYet they say, "Had [not] the Most Gracious so willed, we would never have worshipped them!" [But] they cannot have any knowledge of [His having willed] such a thing: they do nothing but guess1I.e., they cannot have any "knowledge" of something that is devoid of all reality - because, far from having "willed" their sin, God had left it to their free will to make a moral choice between right and wrong. (See in this connection surah 6, note 143.)