52وَكَذٰلِكَ أَوحَينا إِلَيكَ روحًا مِن أَمرِنا ۚ ما كُنتَ تَدري مَا الكِتابُ وَلَا الإيمانُ وَلٰكِن جَعَلناهُ نورًا نَهدي بِهِ مَن نَشاءُ مِن عِبادِنا ۚ وَإِنَّكَ لَتَهدي إِلىٰ صِراطٍ مُستَقيمٍAisha BewleyAccordingly We have revealed to you a Ruh by Our command. You had no idea of what the Book was, nor faith. Nonetheless We have made it a Light by which We guide those of Our slaves We will. Truly you are guiding to a Straight Path: