5تَكادُ السَّماواتُ يَتَفَطَّرنَ مِن فَوقِهِنَّ ۚ وَالمَلائِكَةُ يُسَبِّحونَ بِحَمدِ رَبِّهِم وَيَستَغفِرونَ لِمَن فِي الأَرضِ ۗ أَلا إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الغَفورُ الرَّحيمُMir AneesuddinThe skies are about to cleave asunder from their top, while the angels glorify by praising their Fosterer and ask for protective forgiveness for those in the earth. Beware ! Allah is certainly Protectively Forgiving, the Merciful.