32 Preface وَمِن آياتِهِ الجَوارِ فِي البَحرِ كَالأَعلامِYusuf AliAnd among His Signs are the ships, smoothrunning1 through the ocean, (tall) as mountains.The great and stately ships are appealed to again and again as being among the Signs of God, from many aspects. The aspect referred to here is how the great sailing ship runs prosperously as long as “the breath of heaven fill the sail”, and what a miserable helpless creature she becomes when she once becomes becalmed. Students of English literature will remember the striking picture which Coleridge draws in his “Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” The becalmed ship is as it were in the grip of Death because of the crime which the sailor had committed, and his mind feels psychologically the full force of the Sign. By analogy we can apply this to other craft: the steamer is not free from other dangers of the sea, nor aircraft from numerous dangers of the air.