25۞ وَقَيَّضنا لَهُم قُرَناءَ فَزَيَّنوا لَهُم ما بَينَ أَيديهِم وَما خَلفَهُم وَحَقَّ عَلَيهِمُ القَولُ في أُمَمٍ قَد خَلَت مِن قَبلِهِم مِنَ الجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ ۖ إِنَّهُم كانوا خاسِرينَMuhammad SarwarWe assigned for them companions who would make their past and present (deeds) seem attractive to them. Thus, they became subject to what the jinn and human beings before were destined to suffer. They were certainly lost.