14إِذ جاءَتهُمُ الرُّسُلُ مِن بَينِ أَيديهِم وَمِن خَلفِهِم أَلّا تَعبُدوا إِلَّا اللَّهَ ۖ قالوا لَو شاءَ رَبُّنا لَأَنزَلَ مَلائِكَةً فَإِنّا بِما أُرسِلتُم بِهِ كافِرونَE. H. Palmerwhen their apostles came to them from before them and from behind them (saying), "Serve ye none but God."' They said, 'If our Lord pleased He would send down angels; so we in what ye are sent with disbelieve,'