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Sura 40
Aya 78
وَلَقَد أَرسَلنا رُسُلًا مِن قَبلِكَ مِنهُم مَن قَصَصنا عَلَيكَ وَمِنهُم مَن لَم نَقصُص عَلَيكَ ۗ وَما كانَ لِرَسولٍ أَن يَأتِيَ بِآيَةٍ إِلّا بِإِذنِ اللَّهِ ۚ فَإِذا جاءَ أَمرُ اللَّهِ قُضِيَ بِالحَقِّ وَخَسِرَ هُنالِكَ المُبطِلونَ

Rashad Khalifa

We have sent messengers before you - some of them we mentioned to you, and some we did not mention to you. No messenger can produce any miracle without GOD's authorization. Once GOD's judgment is issued, the truth dominates, and the falsifiers are exposed and humiliated.