29يا قَومِ لَكُمُ المُلكُ اليَومَ ظاهِرينَ فِي الأَرضِ فَمَن يَنصُرُنا مِن بَأسِ اللَّهِ إِن جاءَنا ۚ قالَ فِرعَونُ ما أُريكُم إِلّا ما أَرىٰ وَما أَهديكُم إِلّا سَبيلَ الرَّشادِMajid DaryabadiO My people! yours is the the dominion to-day: ye being overcomers in the land; but who will succour us aginst the scourge of God if it cometh Unto us! Fir'awn said: I shew you only that which see, and I guide you but to the path of rectitude.