29يا قَومِ لَكُمُ المُلكُ اليَومَ ظاهِرينَ فِي الأَرضِ فَمَن يَنصُرُنا مِن بَأسِ اللَّهِ إِن جاءَنا ۚ قالَ فِرعَونُ ما أُريكُم إِلّا ما أَرىٰ وَما أَهديكُم إِلّا سَبيلَ الرَّشادِN. J. DawoodToday you are the masters, my people, illustrious throughout the earth. But who will save us from the might of God when it bears down upon us?’ Pharaoh said: ‘I have told you what I think. I will surely guide you to the right path.’