And in no way is it for a believer to kill a believer, except it be by mistake; and he who killed a believer by mistake, then (let him set) free a believing neck, (Literally: a believing neck "i.e., slave" "is" to be set free) and blood-money is to be handed (unimpaired) to his family, unless they donate (it). Then, in case he is of a people (who are) an enemy to you and he is a believer, then a believing neck (i.e., slave) is to be freed. And in case he is of a people between whom and you there is a compact, then blood-money is to be handed (unimpaired) to his family and a believing neck is to be freed. Yet whoever does not find (the means), then fasting two months following each other is a relenting from Allah, and Allah has been Ever-Knowing, Ever-Wise.