56إِنَّ الَّذينَ كَفَروا بِآياتِنا سَوفَ نُصليهِم نارًا كُلَّما نَضِجَت جُلودُهُم بَدَّلناهُم جُلودًا غَيرَها لِيَذوقُوا العَذابَ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كانَ عَزيزًا حَكيمًاM. H. Shakir(As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall make them enter fire; so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the chastisement; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.