(As the Qur'an is being revealed to you (O Messenger), the emancipation of the slaves, male and female, is steadily taking place). A man among you who cannot find a free believing woman willing to marry him, should have no hesitation in asking the hand of a believing maiden from her guardian. Allah knows your beliefs and reiterates that all human beings are equal in the Sight of Allah (17:70). Pay them a generous marital gift in kindness. They shall maintain moral behavior, by not committing adultery, or having secret relations. Since their upbringing has been deficient in the environment of slavery, their punishment will be half that of the free women, if they commit indecency after marriage. The permission to marry a bonded woman is for him who fears to commit sin. The better recourse is freeing her first from bondage. Men and women must be patient and exercise self-control while waiting to get married. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.