20وَإِن أَرَدتُمُ استِبدالَ زَوجٍ مَكانَ زَوجٍ وَآتَيتُم إِحداهُنَّ قِنطارًا فَلا تَأخُذوا مِنهُ شَيئًا ۚ أَتَأخُذونَهُ بُهتانًا وَإِثمًا مُبينًاQaribullah & DarwishIf you wish to take a wife in the place of another wife, and you have given to one a Qintar (98, 841. 6 lbs.) so do not take from it anything. What, will you take it by way of calumny and a clear sin!