108 Preface يَستَخفونَ مِنَ النّاسِ وَلا يَستَخفونَ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ مَعَهُم إِذ يُبَيِّتونَ ما لا يَرضىٰ مِنَ القَولِ ۚ وَكانَ اللَّهُ بِما يَعمَلونَ مُحيطًاYusuf AliThey may hide (Their crimes) from men, but they cannot hide (Them) from God, seeing that He is in their midst when they plot by night, in words that He cannot approve: And God Doth compass round1 all that they do. The plots of sinners are known fully to God, and He can fully circumvent them if necessary, according to the fullness of His wisdom. The words used are: Compass them round: muhit: not only does God know all about it, but He is all round it: if in His wisdom He allows it, it is not because He has not complete control over it, but because, having it as it were enclosed in a complete circle, He can use it to further His own Plan. Even out of evil He can bring good. (Cf. 4:126).