104وَلا تَهِنوا فِي ابتِغاءِ القَومِ ۖ إِن تَكونوا تَألَمونَ فَإِنَّهُم يَألَمونَ كَما تَألَمونَ ۖ وَتَرجونَ مِنَ اللَّهِ ما لا يَرجونَ ۗ وَكانَ اللَّهُ عَليمًا حَكيمًاAhmed & SamiraAnd do not weaken in asking/desiring the nation, if you are feeling pain, so then they are feeling pain, as/like you feel pain/ache, and you hope/expect from God what they do not hope/expect, and God was/is knowledgeable, wise/judicious.