86 Preface قُل ما أَسأَلُكُم عَلَيهِ مِن أَجرٍ وَما أَنا مِنَ المُتَكَلِّفينَYusuf AliSay: “No reward do I ask1 of you for this (Qur-ān), nor am I a pretender.2Cf. 25:57; 26:109; and many other passages. The prophet of God neither seeks nor expects any reward from men. On the contrary he suffers much at their hands. He is unselfish and offers his services under God’s inspiration. He is satisfied with the hope “that each one who will may take a straight Path to his Lord.” That is his reward. And the reward he hopes for from God is similarly unselfish. He earnestly hopes to win His Good Pleasure?or, to use another metaphor, “to see His Face.”Mutakallif: a man who pretends to things that are not true, or declares as facts things that do not exist, one who takes upon himself tasks to which he is not equal. True prophets are not people of that kind.