22إِذ دَخَلوا عَلىٰ داوودَ فَفَزِعَ مِنهُم ۖ قالوا لا تَخَف ۖ خَصمانِ بَغىٰ بَعضُنا عَلىٰ بَعضٍ فَاحكُم بَينَنا بِالحَقِّ وَلا تُشطِط وَاهدِنا إِلىٰ سَواءِ الصِّراطِMir Aneesuddinwhen they entered before Dawood, and he was horrified of them? They said, “Do not fear, we are two disputants, one of us has wronged the other, so decide between us with justice and do not act unjustly and guide us to the balanced path.