79سَلامٌ عَلىٰ نوحٍ فِي العالَمينَAli Unal“Peace be upon Noah among all beings.”1The Prophet Adam, upon him be peace, was the first human being (together with his wife, Eve) on the earth and the first Prophet. Though he conveyed God’s Message for the first time, his mission was, in one respect, restricted to his children. However, when the Prophet Noah, upon him be peace, came, humankind had already multiplied and divided into many tribes. So he came to a community that consisted of many divisions, in order to unify them around God’s Message, and he struggled against polytheism and injustices. Despite his efforts, which lasted 950 years, only a few believed in him, while the others were punished by God in the Flood. Humankind began a new life after this event. This shows how refractory and corrupt the people were during Noah’s time and how difficult Noah’s mission was. Had it not been for Noah, upon him be peace, and his continuous endeavors to reform people, the world would have been destroyed at that time. So all the later generations of humankind, the jinn and all the other beings in the world are indebted to Prophet Noah, upon him be peace, because of the continuity of existence in the world. It is because of this that Noah, upon him be peace, deserves and receives greetings with peace, a most honoured reputation, and thanks from all the existent beings in the world. The Qur’ān uses this kind of greeting for him only. Though it also sends greetings to the Messengers whom it will mention below, it does not mention the phrase among all beings.