63 Preface إِنّا جَعَلناها فِتنَةً لِلظّالِمينَYusuf AliFor We have truly made it (as) a trial1 for the wrong-doers.Cf. 44:43-46.This dreadful bitter Tree of Hell is truly a trial to the wrongdoers. (1) It grows at the bottom of Hell; (2) even its fruit-stalks, which should have been tender, are like the heads of devils; (3) its produce is eaten voraciously; (4) on top of it is a boiling mixture to cut up their entrails (see next note); and (5) every time they complete this round of orgies they return to the same game. A truly lurid picture, but more lurid in reality are the stages in spiritual Evil. (1) It takes its rise in the lowest depths of corrupted human nature; (2) its tenderest affections are degraded to envy and hate: (3) the appetite for Evil grows with what it feeds on; (4) its “cures” serve but to aggravate the disease; and (5) the chain of evil is unending; one round is followed by another in interminable succession.