107وَفَدَيناهُ بِذِبحٍ عَظيمٍAli UnalAnd We ransomed him with a sacrifice tremendous in worth.1God never wills that human beings should be offered as a sacrifice, although it is a virtue for human beings to sacrifice themselves for His sake for lawful ends and in lawful ways. There are many instances of wisdom involved in God’s order to the Prophet Abraham, upon him be peace, to offer his son as a sacrifice. Abraham, upon him be peace, had a very great character endowed with great potential that allowed him to be the origin of a holy line of Prophets. He was very compassionate, generous, and sincerely submitted to God. He was very concerned for the happiness of his people, both in the world and, more particularly, in the Hereafter. However, in order for this potential to be developed, God puts a person, even if that person is a Prophet, through trials. Succeeding in these trials requires that there should not be any obstacles in the heart that prevent one from getting near to God. These obstacles (see 3: 14) may be physical or emotional attraction to another person, children, treasures of gold and silver (hoarded money), branded horses (or, in the modern form, cars), cattle and plantations (or, in the modern form, business empires of all kinds), as well as posts or positions. So true believers in God can feel love for such things only because of their love of God and according to their relation with God. They cannot give their heart to any of them: God has not made for any man two hearts within his body (one to be assigned for belief in and worship of Him and the other to belief in and worship of others) (33: 4). So God tested Abraham, upon him be peace, with severe commandments and terrible ordeals (such as being thrown into a fire, the destruction of the people of Lot, upon him be peace, who was his relative, being obliged to leave his homeland and family, and being ordered to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, upon him be peace), all of which he fulfilled thoroughly: “Indeed I will make you an imām for all people.” He (Abraham) pleaded: “(Will You appoint imāms) also from my offspring?” He (his Lord) answered: “(I will appoint from among those who merit it. But My covenant does not include the wrongdoers” (2: 124). By unhesitatingly obeying God’s order, both Abraham and Ishmael, upon them both be peace, were greatly rewarded. God made Abraham, upon him be peace, an imām (leader) for human beings and the father of many great Messengers to come after him. And he rewarded Ishmael, upon him be peace, by making him the origin of a holy line which finally gave birth to the greatest of creation, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.