83فَسُبحانَ الَّذي بِيَدِهِ مَلَكوتُ كُلِّ شَيءٍ وَإِلَيهِ تُرجَعونَAli UnalSo, All-Glorified is He in Whose Hand is the absolute dominion of all things,1 and to Him you are being brought back.The original of “the absolute dominion of all things” is malakūt. As the real existence and origin of a word lies in its invisible meaning, while the word composed of letters serves merely to represent it, so, too, the existence of every thing and every event in the universe lies in its immaterial essence, which is pure and unrestricted by matter. This essential existence has degrees of manifestation. One of the pure, immaterial realms where a manifestation of certain degree takes place is called the Realm of the Pure Sovereignty (Malakūt). While God acts in the material, visible world from behind the veil of causality (on the reason why He does so, see 18: 22, note 13), He acts in the Realm of Pure Sovereignty without any veils. So, His saying or ordering in this realm is identical with His creating, which is immediate. This act of creation generally takes place in, or is transferred into, the material world in a gradual process. However, it is also so swift in this world that we feel as if it happened in a single moment. In order to be able to grasp God’s creation or making of everything with a single command, we can consider the operating system of computers and “verbal” writing with computers. The operating system of computers consists in commands and the words made by pressing on keys are manifested on the screen. Like this, God’s creation or making consists in commands or, in other words, the Divine Speech operates like the Power, or the Power operates through the Speech. (God knows best.)