75لا يَستَطيعونَ نَصرَهُم وَهُم لَهُم جُندٌ مُحضَرونَAli UnalThey (the false deities) are unable to help them; rather, they (the worshippers) are a (supportive) host for them (the false deities, and all will be arraigned for punishment on the Day of Judgment).1Polytheists take many deities hoping that those so-called gods may help them with their worldly affairs. Among them are idols, devils, some invisible forces such as “good” or “evil” spirits, angels, some powerful or saintly peoples, and Prophets, etc. However, they neither think nor understand that it is they, themselves, who raise them to the position of divinity and serve them as a host. They and their idols carved out of stone or wood, devils, and all the cruel tyrants or powerful persons who are rebellious against God will be brought up for punishment on the Day of Judgment.