38 Preface وَالشَّمسُ تَجري لِمُستَقَرٍّ لَها ۚ ذٰلِكَ تَقديرُ العَزيزِ العَليمِAli Quli QaraiAnd the sun runs on to its place of rest:1 That is the ordaining of the All-mighty, the All-knowing. Or ‘it has no place of rest.’ This is in accordance with the alternate reading ‘lā mustaqarra lahā.’ Ṭabrisī in Majmaʿ al-Bayān narrates a tradition which ascribes the reading lā mustaqarra lahā to the Imams ʿAli b. al-Ḥusayn, Muḥammad al-Bāqir, and Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq, as well as to a number of the early exegetes such as Ibn ʿAbbās, Ibn Masʿūd, ʿIkrimah, and ʿAṭāʾ b. Abī Rabāḥ. See Muʿjam al-Qirāʾāt al-Qurʾāniyyah, v, 208, for further sources of this reading. The reading li mustaqarrin lahā seems to have been suggested and reinforced by the popular astronomical notions of the age.