20وَجاءَ مِن أَقصَى المَدينَةِ رَجُلٌ يَسعىٰ قالَ يا قَومِ اتَّبِعُوا المُرسَلينَAli UnalA man came running from the farthest end of the city1 and said: “O my people! Follow those who have been sent (to you as Messengers of God).These same words are used of the man who informed the Prophet Moses, upon be peace, of the plans to seize him (28: 20). As suggested by verse 28: 20, this man belonged to the palace and kept his faith secret. So, the man who came to the aid of the Messengers may well have been one who belonged to the leading group, one who had already believed in the Messengers and kept his faith secret until then.