19قالوا طائِرُكُم مَعَكُم ۚ أَئِن ذُكِّرتُم ۚ بَل أَنتُم قَومٌ مُسرِفونَMuhammad Asad[The apostles] replied: "Your destiny, good or evil, is [bound up] with yourselves!1 [Does it seem evil to you] if you are told to take [the truth] to heart? Nay, but you are people who have wasted their own selves!"2Cf. 17:13 "every human being's destiny (ta-'ir) have We tied to his neck" and the corresponding note 17.For this rendering of musrifan (sing. musrif), see note 21 on the last sentence of 10:12.