13وَاضرِب لَهُم مَثَلًا أَصحابَ القَريَةِ إِذ جاءَهَا المُرسَلونَAli UnalSet out to them, by way of a parable, the (story of the) people of that township, when the Messengers came there:1Although there are different views about which land this is and who the Messengers sent to them were, the Qur’ān and the Hadith are silent in this respect. So, what is of importance is the instruction the Qur’ān gives by this exemplary event. It is not possible to accept the speculations that the land or city was Antioch and the Messengers were the disciples sent by Jesus, upon him be peace. Verse 29 informs us that the city was consequently destroyed with a blast, as the lands of many ancient peoples who rejected the Messengers were, whereas it has not been historically established that Antioch suffered such destruction after Jesus, upon him be peace. Even though some commentators have viewed the destruction mentioned metaphorically, the style and wording of the verses is similar to those the Qur’ān uses for the destruction of many ancient peoples.