10وَسَواءٌ عَلَيهِم أَأَنذَرتَهُم أَم لَم تُنذِرهُم لا يُؤمِنونَAli UnalSo, it is alike to them whether you warn them or do not warn them; (although it is your mission to warn them, and you do it without any neglect) they will not believe.1Whether people believe or not, Messengers are charged with communicating God’s Message with all its proofs. This is so that, in order that he who was to perish should perish by a clear evidence (of his deserving perishing because he followed falsehood), and he who survived might survive by a clear evidence (of his deserving survival because of his devotion to the truth) (8: 42), and so that people may have no excuse before God in the Hereafter. The Messengers did not only communicate it verbally; they also practiced it fully in their lives and embodied it. That is, they proved its truth practically or with their very lives. God informs the Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, beforehand that some will not believe in order to console him and to inform him that he should concentrate primarily on those who are not prejudiced, whose hearts are not dead, and who, therefore, are not spiritually blind nor deaf.