3يا أَيُّهَا النّاسُ اذكُروا نِعمَتَ اللَّهِ عَلَيكُم ۚ هَل مِن خالِقٍ غَيرُ اللَّهِ يَرزُقُكُم مِنَ السَّماءِ وَالأَرضِ ۚ لا إِلٰهَ إِلّا هُوَ ۖ فَأَنّىٰ تُؤفَكونَTaqi UsmaniO mankind, remember Allah‘s blessing upon you. Is there any creator other than Allah who gives you provision from the sky and the earth? There is no god but He. So, to where are you being turned around (by your desires)?