22قُلِ ادعُوا الَّذينَ زَعَمتُم مِن دونِ اللَّهِ ۖ لا يَملِكونَ مِثقالَ ذَرَّةٍ فِي السَّماواتِ وَلا فِي الأَرضِ وَما لَهُم فيهِما مِن شِركٍ وَما لَهُ مِنهُم مِن ظَهيرٍSyed V. Ahamed(O Prophet!) Say: "Call upon those who you think are your other (gods), besides Allah: (But) they have no power— Not the weight of an atom— In the heavens or on earth: Nor any share do they have in there nor is any of them a helper to Allah.