13يَعمَلونَ لَهُ ما يَشاءُ مِن مَحاريبَ وَتَماثيلَ وَجِفانٍ كَالجَوابِ وَقُدورٍ راسِياتٍ ۚ اعمَلوا آلَ داوودَ شُكرًا ۚ وَقَليلٌ مِن عِبادِيَ الشَّكورُM. M. GhaliMaking (Literally: between) for him whatever he decided: chambers and statues, and bowls like water-troughs, and anchored cauldrons. "Do (righteousness), House of Dawûd, in thankfulness; and few of My bondmen are constantly thankful."