73لِيُعَذِّبَ اللَّهُ المُنافِقينَ وَالمُنافِقاتِ وَالمُشرِكينَ وَالمُشرِكاتِ وَيَتوبَ اللَّهُ عَلَى المُؤمِنينَ وَالمُؤمِناتِ ۗ وَكانَ اللَّهُ غَفورًا رَحيمًاTaqi UsmaniThe result (of all this) is that Allah will punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the Mushriks, men and women, and will accept the repentance of the believing men and women. Surely Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.