66يَومَ تُقَلَّبُ وُجوهُهُم فِي النّارِ يَقولونَ يا لَيتَنا أَطَعنَا اللَّهَ وَأَطَعنَا الرَّسولاMuhammad AsadOn the Day when their faces shall be tossed about in the fire,1 they will exclaim, "Oh, would that we had paid heed unto God, and paid heed unto the Apostle!"As in several other instances in the Qur'an. the "face", being the noblest and most expressive part of a human person, represents here man's "personality" in its entirety; and its being "tossed about in the fire" is symbolic of the annihilation of the sinner's will and his reduction to utter passivity.