O you who have conformed to Allah's system of faith and worship: Do not enter the Prophet's houses unless you are permitted to do so for a meal, in which case you do not sit waiting for the food until it be ready. But if you are invited then you enter not too early but at the time expected and when you have dined then be excused and do realize that dispersion then is a necessary circumstance to be fulfilled. And do not linger to engage in a sociable discourse, for such behaviour has always caused inconvenience to the Prophet who is ashamed to ask you to leave, but Allah is not ashamed of declaring the truth. And if you wish to ask them for anything you want you must ask them from behind a screen. This has more influence on your hearts and their hearts to possess virtue in life and conduct. By no means should you cause annoyance or inconvenience to the Messenger of Allah nor is it appropriate ever to marry his widows following his death. This is an enormity in Allah's sight and a deviation from moral righteousness.