That truly the Moslems/submitters (M) , and the Moslems/submitters (F), and the believers (M), and the believers (F), and the obeying humbly (M) , and the obeying humbly (F) , and the truthful (M), and the truthful (F), and the patient (M), and the patient (F), and the humble/submissive (M) , and the humble/submissive (F) , and the charity givers (M), and the charity givers (F), and the fasters (M) ,and the fasters (F) , and the protecting/observing (M) their genital parts between their (M) legs, and the protecting/observing (F) , and the mentioning/remembering God much, and the mentioning/remembering (F) , God prepared for them a forgiveness and a great reward .