91إِنَّ الَّذينَ كَفَروا وَماتوا وَهُم كُفّارٌ فَلَن يُقبَلَ مِن أَحَدِهِم مِلءُ الأَرضِ ذَهَبًا وَلَوِ افتَدىٰ بِهِ ۗ أُولٰئِكَ لَهُم عَذابٌ أَليمٌ وَما لَهُم مِن ناصِرينَFaridul HaqueThose who disbelieved and died as disbelievers – an earth full of gold will never be accepted from any one of them, even if he offers it, for his freedom; for them is a painful punishment and they do not have any aides.